John Cleese Of Monty Python säljer Brooklyn Bridge som NFT


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Mar 23, 2021 (You can hardly get more mainstream than John Cleese, or Christie's.) Yet, digital By one account, an NFT sale on Ethereum can result in the  Världskände komikern John Cleese är den senaste i mängden att ge sig in i NFT-konstens värld. Monty Python-skådisen John Cleese driver narr med fenomenet genom att auktionera ut en simpel skiss av Brooklyn-bron. Men vad är det  John Cleese, mest berömd som komiker i Monthy Python ger nu genom Brooklyn Bridge ut sitt första digitala konstverk. Läs mer · Grimes. Publicerad den 2021-04-  Brooklyn Bridge är ett NFT-konstverk skapat av den världsberömda komikern John Cleese och föreställer just en bro med några fiskar simmande i vattnet. I ett inte så subtilt försök att göra sig lustig över NFT-konstens framfart ger John Cleese, mest känd från åren i Monty Python, nu ut sitt första  miljonbelopp. Världskände komikern John Cleese är den senaste i mängden att ge sig in i NFT-konstens värld.

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Comedian John Cleese, who is now a young, anonymous digital artist, is finally (finally!) putting an NFT up for auction. On March 23, Cleese made the announcement via Twitter that he would be Cleese, who is 81, says he totally gets what is happening with NFTs and isn’t like those other fuddy-duddys, who think it’s a pyramid scheme. “Now you and me, we get it. Our parents laugh at John Cleese John Cleese has described the digital investment craze surrounding NFTs as “completely absurd” after offering a drawing of his own for sale at £50 million. The latest tech boom involves John Cleese has an NFT bridge to sell you for $69.3 million 3 likes • 35 shares The Verge - Cameron Faulkner • 21d “The world has gone terminally insane,” Monty Python’s John Cleese told Vanity Fair on the topic of getting into NFTs.

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eddig kimaradtak a DeFi világából, de megvolt rá az okuk. Most viszont a Fireblocks segíségével eze 2021-03-25 The comedian John Cleese is selling a digital sketch that comes with a nonfungible token, or NFT, to authenticate its authorship via blockchain technology. It’s a joke, sort of.Evoking a classic con, the sale of the Brooklyn Bridge, the Monty Python actor is auctioning an image of the bridge by “The Unnamed Artist John Cleese… Cleese refers to Beeple’s record $69 million NFT sale The said NFT, which is currently valued at $27, contains a Google map of Brooklyn, indirectly referring to the American swindler, GeorgeParker, known for his fraudulently selling popular places such as Brooklyn Bridge others in New York City.

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On March 23, Cleese made the announcement via Twitter that he would be Cleese, who is 81, says he totally gets what is happening with NFTs and isn’t like those other fuddy-duddys, who think it’s a pyramid scheme. “Now you and me, we get it. Our parents laugh at John Cleese John Cleese has described the digital investment craze surrounding NFTs as “completely absurd” after offering a drawing of his own for sale at £50 million. The latest tech boom involves John Cleese has an NFT bridge to sell you for $69.3 million 3 likes • 35 shares The Verge - Cameron Faulkner • 21d “The world has gone terminally insane,” Monty Python’s John Cleese told Vanity Fair on the topic of getting into NFTs. John Cleese has described the digital investment craze surrounding NFTs as “completely absurd” after offering a drawing of his own for sale at £50 million. The latest tech boom involves “non-fungible tokens”, which have been hailed as a way to sell digital artwork and assets.

John Cleese försöker sälja NFT-konst för miljonbelopp. 13:04 KULTUR · Elever om beskedet: ”Äntligen – finns inget vi längtar så mycket efter som skolan”.
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2021-03-25 · For instance, an NFT of a piece by the digital artist Mike Winkelmann, who goes by Beeple, sold for $69 million at Christie's earlier this month. Cleese's asking price is a play on that number. 2021-03-24 · John Cleese says NFT boom is ‘completely absurd’ as he offers drawing of his own UK News Published: Mar 24, 2021 Cleese’s tongue-in-cheek foray into the latest digital craze involves a Since the token id for this NFT is 1021 you can view the metadata here. So just like the tweet thread posted above, this is a company URL that will become unavailable in time, but unlike the examples, Mintable doesn't even attempt to decentralize. I get that's not the point of John Cleese's project, but that's the direction the thread's going “Unnamed Artist’s” NFT. John Cleese is clearly not impressed by the current NFT market.His auction, hosted on OpenSea (a peer-to-peer marketplace for rare digital items and crypto collectibles) refers to him as, “a young, unknown artist (or collective of artists) with a firm grasp of Cryptic Currencies and Non Floodable Tokens.” 2021-04-16 · - ohn Cleese has described the digital investment craze surrounding NFTs as “completely absurd” after offering a drawing of his own for sale at £50 … John Cleese says NFT boom is ‘completely absurd’ as he offers drawing of his own - Flipboard 2021-03-21 · John Cleese Sells Brooklyn Bridge NFT, as Craze Sparks Stunts and Culture Wars - Slashdot.

There’s a bid of $50K already made by a collector named Cerwyn. Monty Python alumnus John Cleese "is going to be selling an illustration of the Brooklyn Bridge he did on his iPad as an NFT," reports Nick Bilton in Vanity Fair. So far the highest offer is $50,000, though Cleese's "buy it now" price has been set higher — at $69,346,250.50.
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And while some of those non-fungible tokens like NBA Top Shot or smaller art projects are more affordable, the comedic legend is diving head-first into the craze with a token that will cost you a record-setting amount if you’re feeling like investing. 2021-03-25 · For instance, an NFT of a piece by the digital artist Mike Winkelmann, who goes by Beeple, sold for $69 million at Christie's earlier this month. Cleese's asking price is a play on that number. 2021-03-24 · John Cleese says NFT boom is ‘completely absurd’ as he offers drawing of his own UK News Published: Mar 24, 2021 Cleese’s tongue-in-cheek foray into the latest digital craze involves a Since the token id for this NFT is 1021 you can view the metadata here. So just like the tweet thread posted above, this is a company URL that will become unavailable in time, but unlike the examples, Mintable doesn't even attempt to decentralize.

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John Cleese has an NFT bridge to sell you for $69.3 million 3 likes • 35 shares The Verge - Cameron Faulkner • 21d “The world has gone terminally insane,” Monty Python’s John Cleese told Vanity Fair on the topic of getting into NFTs. John Cleese has an NFT bridge to sell you for $69.3 million Police departments stand in solidarity with Capitol Police after attack Fox News host suggests Michelle Obama is responsible for identity An NFT is a digital image with one copy.

márc. 24. állítja Monty Python John Cleese a Vanity Fairnek az NFT-be bekerülés témájában. Az ismert komikus-színész most nevetségesen drága saját  Mar 22, 2021 As the hype around Non-Fungible Token (NFT) art continues to grow, many are ridiculing the craze including British actor and comedian John  Apr 11, 2017 money 10:30 a.m..